Christmas without Overspending
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope

One way I want to honor Jesus this Christmas is by not overspending! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Sometimes I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping that I lose focus on what Christmas is all about. This year, I want to focus on Jesus and sharing His love with my family and friends instead of all the money we’re spending. I’ve learned the hard way that the secret to not overspending is to plan ahead.

So my husband and I are going to sit down and set up a holiday budget within our financial means. We’ll include costs for extra food, decorations, gift-wrap, and travel. We’ll also make a list of everyone to buy gifts for and determine how much to spend on each person. I am going to carry that list in my purse and stick to it! Now, if I can only remember to send those out-of-town gifts early to avoid rush delivery charges! For more ways to honor Christ this Christmas, visit Proverbs 31 Ministries and click on Everyday Life at

Related Resources
Affordable Gifts - Jar Mixes, Free Online Everyday Life Article, August 9, 2007, by Rachel Olsen

Cents and Sensibility, by Bethany and Scott Palmer

Renee’s Blog


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