Divisive or Decisive?
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Marybeth Whalen

My husband likes to discuss something and make a decision. I like to discuss something, discuss it some more, and, a few days later, discuss it again! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. This difference can be frustrating for both of us and is common in marriage. Generally, men tend to be more black and white, while women lean toward the gray areas. We want to weigh our options, dwell in possibilities, and consider every aspect. And, sometimes we can take this to the extreme. By over analyzing a situation we can become indecisive and damage our relationships with loved ones and with God. God wants us to be resolute in our convictions. The Bible says God will give us perfect peace when we confidently trust in Him. Are you struggling with a tough decision in your life right now? Ask God to help you make the decision He wants you to make. And when He does, you’ll experience peace that comes from having a confident heart. To learn more about trusting God, visit Proverbs31.org.

Related Resources
A Steadfast Heart, Free Online Daily Devotion, May 11, 2005, by MaryBeth Whalen

Journey of a Woman's Heart (4 tape set), by Renee Swope


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