Christmas Book Basket
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope

It can be so hard to come up with a creative gift idea for the kids in my life. Hi, I'm Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries.

I was hoping to find some new ideas for Christmas and came across an idea in the book “Homespun Gifts from the Heart.” I read about giving a Christmas Book Basket. I know…most kids don't jump up and down at the idea of getting a book for Christmas; but that's where a little creativity comes in handy.

The idea was to create a gift basket based entirely around the theme of a book. For instance, if a child likes Winnie the Pooh: Pick out a favorite Pooh book, then add a stuffed pooh, some honey, a box of biscuit mix, and a bag a candy. Nestle the gifts in a basket lined with red gingham napkins - and you have a great gift. Who wouldn't love an afternoon filled with hot biscuits, sticky honey, and Winnie the Pooh?

For more creative Christmas gift ideas, visit Proverbs 31 Ministries on-line at

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Celebrating Christ at Christmas, free article from Encouragement For Today

Homespun Gifts from the Heart, by Karen Ehman


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