What Color Are Your Eyes Today?
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope

What color are your eyes today? Hi, I’m Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. My eyes are hazel, so they change colors. If I wear brown my eyes look brown, but if I wear green they look green. I wish it were only my clothes that turn my eyes green. Unfortunately, some days my eyes turn green with envy! The other day my friend bought new furniture and suddenly I wanted some too! Then a neighbor got a new SUV. Now my minivan feels old fashioned! You know there is a way to guard against the green-eyes of greed and the Bible says it is based on what we wear. God tells us to clothe ourselves with humility, and patience. When I wear humility, I give up my right to get more stuff. And when I put on patience, I choose to wait on God’s provision without doubting His love for me. He knows stuff doesn’t satisfy and greed, well it only turns our eyes green! For more information on guarding against envy, visit us at www.Proverbs31.org.

Related Resources

Green-Eyed Saint" by Susanne Scheppmann - November 15, 2004 Devotion

Attitude of Gratitude,” ETC November 2004

Material Girls,” ETC March 2005


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