The Moon
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope with Amy Brooke

Sometimes things just aren’t what they seem! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. As a child, my friend Amy loved to look up at the moon and admire its bright light. But when she learned the moon was just a big rock without any light of its own, Amy was so disappointed!! It was so beautiful in the dark sky. She knew there had to be more to it than that.

Not long ago it dawned on Amy that there is more to it. The moon isn’t just some big rock. God put it in just the right place at just the right angle, orbiting at just the right speed to perfectly reflect the sun's light for billions of people around the world! Maybe God’s using the moon as a reminder that even in the dark of night the sun is still shining. And, to remind His followers that we reflect the light of God’s son as we show His love to others in their darkest moments.

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