You Want Me to Promise You What?
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Lysa TerKeurst and Amanda Waldroop

What kinds of expectations did you walk down the aisle with? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Unmet expectations can create issues for couples. Maybe we should have just written out our vows specifying word-for-word our expectations for marriage. Mine would have gone something like this: Promise that you will provide me with a house that has a white picket fence and window flower boxes. I want you to watch chick-flicks with me and get emotionally involved in the character’s lives. And promise that you will tolerate any and all rapid mood swings and demands for chocolate …you get the picture. It may sound ridiculous, but many women expect things like this, while their spouse has absolutely no clue. Then, miscommunication leads to frustration and a rift develops between them. Commit to discussing your desires regularly so that communication and trust remain strong. And don’t forget to give lots of grace. For more marriage ideas visit

Related Resources

The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman

Capture His Heart, by Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa’s Blog


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