Listening to Your Child’s Dreams
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer:
Marybeth Whalen

Has your child ever told you about a dream he just had? Hi, I’m Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. My son woke up one morning and told me he’d had the best dream ever! While he told me the details, I listened closely and realized what he was telling me. Though it seemed like just another childhood dream from just another night, he was actually sharing his heart. Isn’t that what every mom wants - a relationship with her children where trust is built and dreams are shared? How can we make sure our children share their hearts with us? Well, we can listen when then have something to say. We can stop what we’re doing and concentrate. We can respond with thoughts of our own and examples from our lives. By doing this, we’re not just hearing their words, we’re hearing their dreams and peeking inside the secret places of their hearts. For more ideas on becoming the best mom you can be, check out our web site at

Related Resources:
Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child, by Renee Swope

“10 Ways to Keep Lines of Communication Open with Kids,” ETC August 2004


Blogger Kathie Thomas said...

This is why I chose to work at home and become more like the Proverbs 31 woman. I wanted to know what went on in my daughter's lives and be there for them as they grew up. And I'm so glad I did!

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