Unanswered Emails
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Lysa TerKeurst

Do you ever get stressed about all of your unanswered emails? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Yesterday I received a reprimand that stung my heart. Someone was very upset that I had not replied to her email.

As I read this comment, I thought about the day I’d had yesterday. It consisted of two visits to the grocery store, several phone calls, helping kids with homework, and five loads of laundry.

These choices may mean that some emails sit unanswered. Have you ever felt swallowed up by outside demands such as e-mails? Well, I’m right there with you. Our intentions are good but our time is limited.

So, I’ve had to let go of answering every e-mail. But I’ve made peace with not being able to be all things to all people so I can be a mom to some really important people. For more encouragement visit Proverbs 31 Ministries and click on Lysa’s blog at Proverbs31.org.

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Visit Lysa’s Blog

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst


Anonymous Lindsayusa@msn.com said...

Thank you for sharing this outlook on not being connected to electronics before being there for your family. My sister thinks she has to keep calling me if I don't answer the first time or do not respond right away to an email or text. I try to be patient but you put things in perspective very kindly. I am going to forward this to my sister. So hopefully she will finally understand what I mean when I say I am busy and you only need to call if it an emergency during the work day.

Thank you and God Bless!
Lindsay Sorensen

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