Transitioning Into Teen Years
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Writer: Renee Swope

My oldest son just became a teenager! How did that happen? Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries.

As our family transitions into the teen years, I know my son needs more freedom and independence. So, this year we let him start walking home from school. We also gave him a key to the house and sometimes I come home a few minutes late so he can feel more responsible and independent.

We’re teaching Joshua that freedom’s a privilege but he still needs some boundaries. He knows he can’t surf TV channels or the Internet when he’s home alone. We’ve also set up security measures so he’s safe.

With freedom comes responsibility, so we assigned Joshua more ways to help around the house. This fall we opened a bank account for him, and set up a budget so he could buy his own school supplies. And we let him decide what to do with the money that was left over.

For more parenting ideas visit Proverbs 31 Ministries at

Related Resources
To Text or not to Text, free devotion by Tracie Miles

The Five Love Languages of Teenagers, by Gary Chapman

Teen Talk, free article by Kristin Early

Visit Renee’s Blog


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