Why God?
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Micca Campbell and Renee Swope

God promises to bring good out of our bad situations. Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Several years ago, a spider bit my friend’s neighbor, causing her to lose most of her vision. Her first question was, “Why God?”

Her husband, who wasn’t a Christian, encouraged her not to sink into depression. His confidence surprised her, so she decided to trust God.

Soon after, the church she worked for terminated her job. Heartbroken, she looked for a new church. She noticed that not being on staff at church allowed her to enjoy the service more. One Sunday, her husband said he wanted to go to church with her. That day he gave his life to Christ. After battling the “why God?” syndrome, she realized God’s plan for good during her struggle – and it far outweighed the bad!

If the “why-God” syndrome plagues you, remember God always has a way of bringing the best from the bad things in life! You can trust Him for good things to come. For more encouragement, visit proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:
Expressions of Joy,” February 16, 2006, Online Daily Devotion

Reinventing Your Rainbow, by Tracie Miles


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