Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Wendy Pope and Renee Swope

Misunderstood: that’s how I’ve felt many times in 15 years of marriage! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. I remember in our pre-marriage counseling hearing how important communication is. So, JJ and I have tried hard to communicate, but I still feel misunderstood sometimes.

Not long ago we had a great talk. I thought I was making headway in helping my husband understand me. He responded with a big hug and I was sure my thoughts were understood and appreciated. Later that week, I made the mistake of asking my husband if he really understood what I was saying the other night. Well, instead of getting upset because he didn’t remember our conversation, I summed it up for him and we laughed.

If being misunderstood is the problem, what’s the answer? The answer is to show grace even when I don't feel like it and demonstrate love when it seems I have none to give. After all, Jesus offers both to me everyday.

For more encouragement, visit proverbs31.org.

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Visit Renee’s Blog

Misunderstood a free devotion by Wendy Pope

Capture His Heart by Lysa TerKeurst


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