Confessions of a Shop-a-holic
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope and Wendy Pope

Sometimes when I get stressed, I just want to go shopping so I can escape! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. My friend Wendy recently told me how shopping used to be an addiction for her. When she got married, she brought a lot of debt with her and carried it for many years. As she continued to accumulate debt, Wendy hid receipts and new purchases from her husband. The secrets kept her from having an open relationship with him. It also kept her from experiencing the joy of a real relationship with God.

Wendy wanted to be free from her addiction, so she decided to meet each morning with Jesus and talk with him about her struggle with spending. She also stopped going to stores unnecessarily and carefully recorded every purchase she made. She finally felt completely free when she cut up her credit cards and confessed her mistakes to her husband. Wendy said she now has a deep joy that comes from something she could never buy! For more encouragement visit

Related Resources
Renee’s Blog

Free devotion, Confessions of a Recovering Shop-a-holic, by Wendy Pope

Cents & Sensibility by Bethany and Scott Palmer

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