Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Lysa TerKeurst

Every now and then a small, frail person faces a giant and wins! Hi I’m Lysa TerKeurst with Proverbs 31 Ministries.

The giants in our lives make us feel so incapable. They make us excuse certain parts of the Bible that talk about God's power in us.

The Israelites knew all about how paralyzing it can be to face a giant. Goliath stood and called out to the Israelites begging them to send a man to fight him. And then one day, David, a shepherd boy, did just that… and won!

The story of David and Goliath should evoke in us an exciting sense of possibility. David was small just like us. Yet, at some point, he decided to rise to the occasion, and to show everyone what God’s power displayed in a small, human life can look like. And wow, is it grand!

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Related Resources
Free Devotion, Completely Indescribable, by Amy Carroll

What Happens When Women Walk In Faith, by Lysa Terkeurst

Visit Lysa’s Blog


Blogger Joyful said...

Lysa - I LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you for this reminder today!!! There is a huge 'giant' in my life defying me to make progress toward God. My Pastor reminded me last Sunday that "whatever I see as the biggest thing in my life will determine how I live." If my 'giant' appears bigger than my God, I'm in trouble. BUT, the reality is my GOD is bigger than any 'giant' I am facing, or will ever face. The 'giant' is taunting with sounds of defeat, but as David reminded the Israelites, I am a child of the Living God.

When God, through David, conquered Goliath, the people recognized that there IS a God in Israel. Praying that my life will give testimony, displaying His victory, that nothing can defy the purposes of God in my life.

This 'giant' has come, not to crush me, but so that I will succeed and people around me will know that He is God!

Leaning on His everlasting arms,

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