He’s There for You
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Tracie Miles

Is it sometimes hard to believe God is with you even though you can’t see Him? Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Recently I was dealing with several difficult circumstances in my life, and not very successfully I might add. I’d let a challenging situation steal my joy and burden my heart. I felt all alone.

One morning I was sitting outside having quiet time with God and the wind started blowing - really hard! The trees were swaying, and suddenly I felt God’s presence. It was like He was reminding me that like the wind, I can’t see him, but He is with me. As the wind died down, a warm breeze soothed my soul and I felt God’s peace. I was reminded me of how much He loves me.

Are you going through a hard time and feeling alone? Just remember that even though you can’t see Him, God’s there for you! If you need more daily encouragement, sign up for our Free email devotions at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

The God Who Sees devotion by by Wendy Pope

The Confident Woman by Anabel Gillham


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