Holiday Quizzing
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Amanda Waldroop

Do my kids understand the true meaning of Christmas? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. I was curious to know the answer to this question and found that the best way to find it is to simply ask. In her book, The ADVENTure of Christmas, Lisa Welchel lists some great questions that will help gauge our children’s level of understanding of the holiday season. Here are a few of them:

· Do you know what Advent is and why we celebrate it?
· Why do you think the Christmas tree is the main holiday decoration?
· Why do you think we put a star on our Christmas tree?
· When I wish you a “Merry Christmas,” what do you think I mean?

These thought-provoking questions can create teachable moments that can strengthen the bonds between us and our children. Plus, we can help them clear up any misconceptions they have about the real meaning of Christmas! For more ideas on helping your kids learn about the season, visit

Related Resources:

The ADVENTure of Christmas by Lisa Whelchel

“Finding Focus in Advent Activities”, December 2005, ETC Corner

Celebrating Christ at Christmas”, December 2004, ETC Corner


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