Her Secret
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Amy Carroll and Renee Swope

There's a woman who works at a nearby grocery store that just makes my day. She’s ALWAYS positive and cheerful. Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. I know it’s hard working with the public and spending long hours on her feet, so I asked her for her secret. She smiled, and told me that she has to be at work at 6 am so she gets up at 3:30 to spend time with God.She admitted it isn't easy. "By the end of the week I'm very tired, but God is my secret." She said. WOW, this precious woman wakes up while it’s still dark to have time with God so she can make a positive impact on every customer.

I don’t know about you, but getting up early and starting my day with prayer, isn’t easy for me. I want to start down my checklist the moment I wake up. But this woman reminds me that prayer is crucial if I want to give my best and reflect God’s love to others.

For more encouragement, visit proverbs31.org

Related Resources
Visit Renee’s Blog

A Busy Woman’s Guide to Prayer, by Cheri Fuller

Her Secret, a free devotion by Amy Carroll


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