Staying On Track
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Jill Tracey

Recently a friend of mine got an email from a teenager who’s wiser than his years! Hi, I’m Renee Swope from Proverbs 31 Ministries. My friend works for a radio station and she got an email from a young guy who’s struggling in his relationship with Jesus. He said he hadn’t been reading his Bible, praying, or going to church and he really missed the closeness with God he felt when he was doing these things. Then he said, “It’s a lot harder to get back on track than it is to fall away.”

Isn’t that true? In a few words, he summed up a life truth that many adults struggle with. I’ve found that when things in my life require routines, it’s a lot harder to re-establish them once I’m off track. Good habits like reading the Bible, praying, and going to Church can easily fade away into the background of life. This teen challenged me to work harder to stay on track since it’s so much easier than getting back on! For more encouragement, visit

Related Resources
A Busy Woman’s Guide To Prayer, by Cheri Fuller

Free Devotion, From Clutter To Clarity, by Nancy Twigg

Visit Renee’s Blog


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