A Parable for your Child
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writers: Lysa TerKeurst with Amanda Waldroop

My kids won’t want to meet Jesus unless they see the reality of Him in my life. Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. One thing I’ve discovered over the years is that for my kids to learn who Jesus really is and the difference He can make in their lives, they first have to know the differences He’s made in mine.

One way I help them see how a relationship with Jesus has changed me is by sharing my life stories. As I tell these stories over and over I’m able to point out God’s hand at work – shaping me along the way for my life today.

Some children struggle to remember a passage of scripture but can often recall the details of a story. I think that’s why Jesus taught with parables. So, if you’re trying to help your kids learn who Jesus really is, maybe you can start by sharing stories of who He is to you. For more ideas on leading your children to Christ, log on to proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

The Bathtub is Overflowing but I Feel Drained, by Lysa TerKeurst

Why Should I know God’s Word?, Free Devotion by Melissa Taylor

Church: Burden or Blessing?
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope with Amanda Waldrop

I don’t want to go to church, I’m too tired! Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. That sounds like something one of my kids would say, but those were MY thoughts last Sunday morning! After a long week at work with several meetings and a Saturday that had been filled with projects, I just wasn’t up for another meeting. But God reminded me that when people who love Him come together, it’s not just another meeting; it’s a meeting with HIM!

The Bible says that when two or more people are gathered together to seek God, His presence is experienced in a powerful way. And, worshiping God with those who know and love Him is a privilege. You know there are lots of people around the world who can’t meet like this without fearing for their lives. So if you’ve been struggling to get up for church like I was recently, try thinking of it as a chance to meet not just with other people, but with God! For more encouragement visit Proverbs31 Ministries at Proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Traveling Together: Thoughts on Women Friendship, by Karla Worley

Choice Theory, Free Devotion by Lysa Terkheurst

Following Instructions
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writers: Lysa TerKeurst with Amanda Waldroop

How good are you at following instructions? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. As a mom, I often find myself in the role of a teacher. I love teaching my kids how to do new things whether that means instructing them on how to tie their shoes or on how to figure out a difficult math problem. I try to guide them according to what’s right and rejoice with them when they succeed. But my instructions will only help them if they’re willing to follow them.

Our Heavenly Father is a teacher too, and the Bible contains His instructions for us. If we’re willing to receive it’s teaching the Bible can help us succeed in doing what’s right and best for us. But, just as we discipline our children when they disobey - if we refuse to listen to God, He might discipline us. So, let’s be teachable today and enjoy the good things that come from following God’s instructions! For more encouragement, log on to proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

The Bathtub is Overflowing but I Feel Drained by Lysa TerKeurst

“The Gift of Prayer”, ETC June 2004, by Ramona Davis

“Into the Word”, ETC Dec 2004, by Rachel Olsen

Accepting Ourselves
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Jill Tracey

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. A friend of mine lived most of her life with a gap between her two front teeth. She was convinced that it was the first thing people saw when they met her. Several years ago, someone gave her the opportunity to have the gap fixed and she was thrilled! The surprising thing was that it took a while for her friends and family to notice the difference.

Isn’t it funny how we spend so much time focusing on our flaws that we think everyone else is doing the same thing? It’s more likely that they’re so focused on their own flaws that they hardly notice ours. So, if you’re criticizing yourself today, remember that other people see all of you, not just your flaws. Besides, the Bible says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Perfect? No, but definitely wonderful! For more encouragement, log on to proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Able and Available Devotion by Renee Swope

SHAPEd with Purpose Workbook by Renee Swope

A New Year, A Better You Devotion by Rachel Olsen

An Adequate Filtering System
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Lysa TerKeurst and Amanda Waldroop

Have you ever tried to keep a swimming pool clean? Hi I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Cleaning a pool can be a daunting task. Between leaves, bugs, and other uninvited guests, a pool owner can become weary in the effort to keep its crystal blue waters pure and clean. So how does one do it? With a filtering system that is made specifically for a pool. Did you know the same is true for marriage? Marriage is a big investment, just like putting in a pool. But as the days pass, uninvited guests like disagreements or financial troubles can easily disrupt the waters of love. Though you may be able to scrape off their remnants, the overall pollution they cause may be quite damaging. It is in times like this that we must filter our marriages with the most potent and perfect method available – God’s Word. It will assure that your marriage remains all that God intended it to be. Log on to proverbs31.org today to find out how you and your spouse can keep your marriage pure.

Related Resources:

Capture His Heart, by Lysa TerKeurst

Love Notes on His Pillow
, by Linda Gilden

Legally Blind
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Renee Swope with Gwen Smith

How well can you see things? Hi, I'm Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. My friend's sister, Elise, is legally blind. She can see, but not with clarity. When she wakes up in the morning she needs her glasses just to see the clock on her nightstand. She sees the red lights, but the numbers are blurry.

Thankfully, I don't have trouble seeing with my eyes, but there are times when I look at life with blurred vision. I need help knowing which direction to take and what decisions to make. I guess you could say that I need "God Vision"! Just like Elise needs her glasses to see the world, we need God to give us wisdom and the ability to see things the way He sees them - not just through our own temporary circumstances. Have you asked God to help you see life through His perspective? If not, we'd love to give you some free daily encouragement. Sign up for our email devotions today at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Encouragement for Today FREE Email Devotions

"Legally Blind," November 18, 2005, Online Daily Devotion

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst

She Smiles, Part 2
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Amanda Waldroop

Does smiling at the future feel more like having a tooth pulled instead? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. My friend, Amanda, experienced this when she lost her job several months ago. At first, she was okay because the loss was actually an answer to prayer. With peace in her heart, she had full confidence in God. However, the doors of opportunity kept closing, doubt in God’s ability to come through for her crept in. She then decided God wasn’t handling the situation, so she would have to do it herself. The Bible warns us about acquiring “a sinful, unbelieving heart.” But I take great comfort in knowing even when my heart falters, God never does. I just have to ask God to restore my faith and revive my heart. Aren’t you glad that God promises to be faithful even when we are not? To know more about becoming a woman who can trusts God, visit us at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith, by Lysa TerKeurst

Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed (Audio on CD or Tape), by Lysa TerKeurst

Time Flies
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing writers: Jill Tracey

Why can’t time fly when I’m not having fun? Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. The other day I was running on the treadmill and was sure I’d been huffing and puffing for at least 15 minutes. When I checked the timer only five minutes had passed! I was so disappointed! Why does time go slowly when I’m exercising and fast when I’m talking on the phone, playing with my kids, or watching a good movie? I guess it’s true…time only flies when you’re having fun!

As I continued jogging, I started to wonder about my time with God. Does it fly by or drag on? Do I see reading my Bible and praying as things I have to do, or do I enjoy spending time with God? Honestly, it depends on the day. In any case, whether it’s easy or hard to get started, I do always feel better when I’m done, just like after my workout! For more encouragement, sign up for our free devotions at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Encouragement for Today FREE Email Devotions

Why Should I know God’s Word? Devotion by Melissa Taylor

Breathe by Kari Wyatt Kent

She Smiles, Part 1
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Amanda Waldroop

Do you struggle with change or leaving the past behind? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Many of us have experienced great change and transition in our life that was unexpected. For some, these changes were welcomed. But for others the idea of moving on was painful. So how do we get past our past? In the Bible, Isaiah 43, provides 4 insights on how to keep perspective on the past.

1. First, we mustn’t dwell on the past. Doing so breads self-pity.
2. Second, we must view the “new thing” God is doing and recognize the benefits.
3. Third, we must believe God will give us new life in what may seem like a wasteland.
4. Fourth, we must look for ways to keep our heart in tune with God.

A great way to do this is to spend time reading God’s perspectives in a daily devotional. You can sign up for our free devotionals by visiting us at Proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

“Encouragement for Today,” Online Daily Devotionals

Get Over It and On With It, by Michelle McKinney Hammond

Prisoners or Partners?
Radio Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing writers:
Melanie Chitwood

How do you feel after you and your husband have gotten into an argument? Hi, I’m Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Disagreements are bound to happen in marriage. But how we handle them will determine whether we walk away feeling like prisoners or partners.

When I dwell on the hurt, replaying the argument in my mind again and again, I end up hanging on to unforgiveness. Unforgiveness forms walls around my heart and we both end up like prisoners locked in separate cells. But if we go to God and ask Him to help us forgive each other and then talk truthfully and lovingly, we’re more likely to feel like partners. Our marriage ends up strengthened, not strained. Forgiveness is essential to keep the partnership in your marriage.

If your heart has become bitter toward your husband, why not take steps today to restore your closeness. Proverbs 31 Ministries is here to help you strengthen your marriage. For more encouragement, visit proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

What a Husband Needs from His Wife by Melanie Chitwood

You Can Strengthen Your Marriage Devotion by Rachel Olsen

Refusing the Stress
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Lysa TerKeurst

Mom, I have a project due tomorrow and I need poster board from the store. Mom, I left my gym shoes at home. Sound familiar? Hi I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Most moms not only hear these kinds of cries for rescue but they also cringe at them as well. If we want to teach our kids to be responsible we can’t always rescue them. But as a mom that’s hard. I think a balance can be found in refusing to receive the stress of the situation by transferring it back to the child. I often respond, “Honey, this is why it is important to plan ahead and not wait until the last minute for things.” If it is realistic for me to help them without getting stressed then sometimes I will give them this gift of grace. If it is not realistic, then I help them process how to handle the consequences. Either way, my main job is to stay cool, calm and collected. For more great parenting ideas, visit us at www.proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:
Don’t Make Me Count to Three, by Ginger Plowman

The Five Love Languages of Children, by Gary Chapman

Sandpaper People
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writer: Renee Swope

Has someone ever rubbed you the wrong way? Hi, I'm Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Difficult people are one of life’s realities! But they can also be God's way of giving us hope. I know what you're thinking - how can God use people who bring pain in my life to give me hope?In her book, Sandpaper People, Mary Southerland says God uses abrasive people to grind off our rough edges and make us more like Him. When we go to God with our troubled relationships and ask Him for help, He teaches us how to endure difficulties. Endurance teaches us patience and the Bible says patience gives us stronger character, and character produces – you guessed it - hope! So, if someone has rubbed you the wrong way, ask God to use that difficulty to make you stronger and, then, let the hurt draw you closer to Him. If you'd like help dealing with the sandpaper people in your life, visit proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Sandpaper People, by Mary Southerland

Sandpaper People Devotion by Micca Monda Campbell

"Friendship: The Love Training Ground" devotion by Glynnis Whitwer

Discovering My Child’s Hidden Talents
Radio Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writer: Marybeth Whalen

“Mommy, mommy, look what my pony can do!” my daughter Brooke exclaimed to me one day. Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Brooke had discovered that her little toy pony had magnets in its feet and could stick to the refrigerator. After I appeared appropriately impressed, she scampered off to play, and left me wondering: What can my little girl do that I don’t know about? Do I need to dig deeper to discover my child’s hidden talents and unknown qualities? What am I missing about my kids in the busyness of every day life? I can discover what my kids can do by connecting with them daily. I need to talk with them on a heart level and hear what their dreams are. I need to discover what they can do that I never knew before. With God’s help, I can see them as He created them to be. To learn more about connecting with your kids, visit Proverbs 31 Ministries at www.proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:
The Mommy Manual, by Barbara Curtis

Mother of the Year Devotion by Micca Campbell

Greener Grass
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Tracie Miles and Renee Swope

I have a basket on my kitchen table filled with greenery. And there’s a bird in my back yard determined to get to it. Hi I’m Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. That bird spends day after day banging his beak against my window trying to get in. Has he not noticed the beautiful bushes and trees behind him? Is he so intent on getting what he can’t have, that he’s forgotten what he does have?

Just like that bird, sometimes I think the grass is greener in people’s lives. One of my favorite verses in the Bible about contentment was written by a man name Paul. Paul had been rich and he’d been poor. He learned the secret to contentment by being thankful all the time. He said, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He’s already given you.” Sounds like a good plan to me. Now if I can just explain it to that bird! For more ways to find contentment, visit proverbs31.org

Related Resources:

Wanting What I Have Devotion by Renee Swope

Searching for God’s Treasures Women’s Conference CD set by Renee Swope

Unexpected Packages
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writers: Lysa TerKeurst with Amanda Waldroop

Great things come in unexpected packages! Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. While visiting an amusement park, my girls and I saw a man dressed as Merlin the wizard standing by a huge stone. He invited volunteers to try and pull his sword from it. A large man came forward but couldn’t budge it. Then Merlin chose my daughter, Brooke. Brooke’s strength paled in comparison to the large man’s. They had to get a step stool to lift her small frame. Brooke looked small, unsure and unable. Yet when Brooke gave the sword a tug, the stone split apart, releasing it!

The most surprising things come in unexpected packages. Jesus, the King of Kings came to earth as a baby. His mother was a teenager; his father a carpenter. Do you need a glimpse of God today? Ask Him to send you one in an unexpected package! For more encouragement, visit Proverbs 31.org.

Related Resources:

The Bathtub is Overflowing, but I Feel Drained by Lysa TerKeurst

God’s Abundance Devotion by Glynnis Whitwer

Because I Said So
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers:
Tracie Miles and Renee Swope

“Because I said so!!” How many times have you caught yourself saying that to your children? Hi I’m Renee Swope with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Sometimes I get frustrated when my children want specific reasons for why I told them to do something. The easiest thing to say is, “Because I said so!”

When we read the Bible we’ll often find there are specific things God wants us to do. Just like my kids, I often want to know the why’s, when’s, and how’s before I step out in faith. But true faith means obeying God even when all my questions aren’t answered. True faith also means trusting Him to provide the necessary answers when the time is right.

So, do you ever find yourself asking God why He wants you to do something? Just like we want our kids to do what we say, let’s obey God today not because we necessarily understand but because, He said so. To learn more about trusting God, visit Proverbs 31 Ministries at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

Crossroads Devotion by Susanne Scheppman

The Mommy Manual by Barbara Curtis

Foiled Plans, Again
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writers: Lysa TerKeurst with Amanda Waldroop

My plans got foiled again! Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Let’s see if you can relate to this: I planned a great day at the park with the kids, but on the way there I got stuck in traffic. Then I realized I left the picnic lunch at home; locked the keys in the car; and one of the kids got stung by a bee. As my blood pressure escalated the day went from a positive investment in my children to me yelling at them and wishing I’d just stayed home.

If you can relate, take heart. All mothers have days like this. When I’m having this kind of day, I try to remember God is still in charge. My interruptions can also become opportunities to show love and grace to my family. If life isn’t going as you planned today, turn to the one who has your life in His hands. For more encouragement log on to proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

The Bathtub is Overflowing, but I Feel Drained by Lysa TerKeurst

The Search for Peace devotion by Mary Beth Whalen

He’s There for You
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers: Tracie Miles

Is it sometimes hard to believe God is with you even though you can’t see Him? Hi, I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Recently I was dealing with several difficult circumstances in my life, and not very successfully I might add. I’d let a challenging situation steal my joy and burden my heart. I felt all alone.

One morning I was sitting outside having quiet time with God and the wind started blowing - really hard! The trees were swaying, and suddenly I felt God’s presence. It was like He was reminding me that like the wind, I can’t see him, but He is with me. As the wind died down, a warm breeze soothed my soul and I felt God’s peace. I was reminded me of how much He loves me.

Are you going through a hard time and feeling alone? Just remember that even though you can’t see Him, God’s there for you! If you need more daily encouragement, sign up for our Free email devotions at proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

The God Who Sees devotion by by Wendy Pope

The Confident Woman by Anabel Gillham

Does Anyone Notice Me? Part 2
Hostess: Lysa TerKeurst
Contributing Writers: Lysa TerKeurst with Amanda Waldroop

Do you long to be acknowledged and affirmed? Hi, I’m Lysa TerKeurst for Proverbs 31 Ministries. I grew up with a father who was broken and deeply hurting. He rejected me as a child, which led me on a journey of understanding what it means to be loved and affirmed by God. For a long time I put unrealistic expectations on my husband to meet this desire and make me feel valued. Through my struggles I learned that holding on to the hurt from years of rejection gave me the opposite of what I wanted. Instead of fulfillment, I became needier. Those closest to me pulled away because it was simply exhausting for them to try to meet my needs when I constantly told them it wasn’t enough. For me, it was exhausting to try to prove my worthiness. I never felt good enough.

If you battle these same feelings, take those struggles to God today. He not only notices you, He loves you deeply! For more encouragement, visit Proverbs 31.org.

Related Resources:

The Bathtub is Overflowing, but I Feel Drained by Lysa TerKeurst

The God Who Sees Devotion by Wendy Pope

Rejection Hurts
Hostess: Renee Swope
Contributing Writers:
Tracie Miles and Renee Swope

Nobody likes me…everybody hates me! Hi I’m Renee Swope for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Isn’t it easy to feel “unloved” when we’ve been rejected? Rejection can come from a boss, a loved one or even one of our children. It usually makes us feel like less of a person and we start thinking everybody feels the same way about us.

The Bible tells us God will never reject us. Jesus said we should only seek His approval because His acceptance can’t be earned or lost! I love knowing there’s nothing I can do to make God reject me. I know that for certain because I’ve gone to Him for forgiveness and acceptance through His Son, Jesus. Jesus took the pain and rejection of man when He died on the cross for our sins. Because His did that, we can know we are loved and accepted by God, no matter what anyone else thinks! To know more about experiencing God’s love, visit proverbs31.org.

Related Resources:

When God Builds A Testimony Devotion by Glynnis Whitwer

The Confident Woman by Anabel Gillham

Verses for Daily Dependence on God

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